Podcast: The Radical Communicator of our Time

As a communicator for social change, I work with individuals, organizations, and coalitions to frame complex issues and build narrative, political and social power for everyday people. But my biggest lessons in the field have come during times of conflict and disagreement; when I had to learn to share power with others while growing my confidence as an expert in the area.

In the last couple of years, I've practiced a low ego, high impact approach to leadership, a skill I learned watching people whose work I deeply respect.

I have learned that I don't have to fear feedback, that I am allowed to experiment, and that I can't do it on my own. More than anything, this work is about relationships, forward movement, and continuous growth. We need people. I'm learning to be with those people. To hear them, to see them, to understand me in relation to them, and to learn how to wield my power.

This week I'm featured on Let's Hear It, a podcast about the field of nonprofit communications produced by Eric Brown and Kirk Brown. Eric and I discuss my journey, the challenges of growing the Radical Communicators Network, and how I think we build political power with each other through a grassroots framework.

Listen to the podcast here

Shanelle Matthews